Tuesday, 30 June 2015

My Morning Drink

Lemon & filtered water First thing in the morning..

I have noticed a big difference having lemon in filtered water first thing when I wake up.. 

Think about it.. you have just been sleeping for 6 - 7 hours and everything in your body has settled and its all just sitting in there. 

Drinking lemon first thing on a empty stomach will go through your body and do an awesome clean and help with detox and to flush everything out :) 

5 reasons to have lemon first thing on an empty stomach..
1. Supports the immune system
2. Balances pH levels
3. Detoxifies the liver

4. Aids digestion

5. Anti inflammatory

Monday, 29 June 2015

Here comes the mental roller coaster no one tells you about & the top 5 head case questions you will ask yourself

I'm just over week two and I'm really starting to feel the pinch  
Here we go again here comes the emotional roller coaster that comes with prepping that no one tells you about..
Last competition I was by myself flying across Australia and this year I will driving all across NSW for my job as ATP Science
What to expect on the emotional roller coaster.. 
Firstly the start of the week you feel pretty motivated to you get the job done and train hard.. then towards the end of the week you start to feel 
really tired
agitated very easily
really tired..
That’s how im feeling at the moment and no one around me gets its and I have no one to bounce off which makes it so much harder 
Some people say its hard prepping with your partner I actually think its harder prepping single

Here is the top 5 questions you will ask yourself about a million and one times while prepping 

1. Am I going to be good enough and lean enough to be on stage?
2. Do I really want to do this? why am I doing this?
3. I dont feel any learner I really don't want to get my skins done on the weekend! 
4. I'm so tired I don't feel like going to the gym and lifting stupid weights, do I have to go? 
5. I still have x amounts for weeks left no one will notice if I pull out now

It's not all bad but the struggle is real..   

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Getting my skin folds taken... Lets see how fat i got in my offseason haha

Skin folds..  
Ok so i'm getting my skin folds done Aka fat pinched and there is absolutely no where to hide at all!!!

I get my fat pinched in 14 different sites around my body and it all tells a story..

so the results are in.....  

Aaaaaaaaand you can clearly tell I had an off season Haha

67kgs and a whopping 20%Bf

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Sunday the day before I start my diet

If you aren't prepared its next to impossible to stay on track..

I have been given my diet by coach and for the first two weeks its no carbs..

Meal 1 - Steak and Avo

Meal 2 - Chicken and Avo

Meal 3 - chicken

Meal 4 - Chicken and almonds

Meal 5 - Salmon and Veggies

There is a method behind the madness there is a reason why I'm on no carbs and low calories at the start of my prep

I get my skin folds done in two week and we will see how much my % comes down. I also think I had a higher reading due to that time of the month which makes you hold so much water so we will see if it was water or I'm just a fatty haha

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

10 ways to tell the difference between a awesome coach and a sh*t faker.. Here is a checklist

I'm so passionate about health and fitness.. I have learnt so much over the years and I have met thousands of people in the fitness industry..

I have had the privilege of meeting some very knowledgeable coaches and athletes and I have also see and heard horrible stories of these people claiming to be professionals with these one size I'm going to starve my clients approach to comp prep and couldn't tell you the difference between a donut and a steak

Im so excited for my prep and these are the things my coach is doing with me that makes me feel safe and assured I'm with a professional

1. Before I even saw my diet I filled in a 30 - 40 questionnaire about my body and how I'm feeling, how its working, any reactions or conditions

He asked me all those questions because he understand the human body, hormones and symptoms and conditions

2. Track record with athletes.. Have a look at the conditioning of a coaches previous clients

3. Have they competed themselves? I'm sorry but unless you have stepping on stage you will never know exactly how you think and feel. If you have never been in shape yourself they don't give others advice

4. Do you have variety in your diet or are they the typical chicken and broccoli? I have a variety as well as probiotics before food to help with my digestion

5. My coach advised me to do a allergy test so we know exactly what foods my body doest agree with

6. How often do you have a consult with your coach? mine is every week

7. Do you have vitamins in your diet? I got sent a list of vitamins and the links to find them which was on a website called I herb.

8. Your first diet, have you been given enough calories or have they started you in minimal calories

9. Do they understand how the body works especially if you're female do the understand how that time of he month works?

10. Do they explain things in details and why they are doing things?

My coach does the above 10 things :)


Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Fat loss.... Why can't you hit those stubborn areas? Matt Legge and the ATP podcast episode 1

I can honestly say I have never learnt so much in my life in such a easy way..

Knowledge = Power :) 

I have been listening to these ATP science pod casts and taking my own special notes.. 

Matt Legge is the genius behind ATP science and has been a natrapath for over 20 years and has also been poached by huge drug companies to create products for them called white labelling which means he is the brains behind the products they claim to be their own..   

If you want to listen to it for yourself here is the link 

If not I have taken all the best parts out of the pod cast that I have found the most interesting 

                                                       Episode 1 is Fat loss 

  • When it comes to diet and exercise there is no one size fits all solution. Energy in and energy out will dictate to some degree how many calories you are burning but its not the big key 
  • The biggest thing that determines your body shape if your hormone profile 
  • If you have any hormone imbalances then that will put a hand break on your fat loss 
  • Estrogen will hold fat an fluid in the following areas 
- Hips 
- Lower back 
- Lower abs 
- Upper thighs and groin 
- Chest in men 
- Tuck shop arms 

  • The biggest thing I have learnt was even in a calorie deficit your body still won't be able to hit those areas 
  • Insulin's job is to take sugar out of your bloody stream 
  • If you are insulin resistant your body will take that sugar and instead of putting it into your muscles it will put it into your fat cells 
  • Type 2 diabetes, PCOS is a condition caused from your body not being able to deal with insulin properly

In summary in this episode.. In order to lose weight properly and from all over your body even the stubborn areas you need to know your body on a deeper level to be able to paint a clear picture on whats going on with your hormones in order to remove the fat loss hand break 

Here is some ways to know your body on a deeper and more efficient level 

- Blood test 
- You can get someone to take your skin folds which measures your fat in areas around your body 
- Take note on how you feel after eating certain foods 
- Take note of symptoms you are experiencing in order to research further what the cause is

  • Having a unhealthy thyroid can lead to high estrogen, high cortisol, high insulin which all store fat 
  • you aren't burning fat in the gym you are burning fat the other 23 hours of the day so you need to make sure your hormones are working properly for maximum weight loss   

Where to start
- Find out where your at 
- Find out where you want to be 
- Create a holistic strategy on how to get there 
- keep track of how you're feeling and where you are storing fat along the way which will start to paint a clearer picture 

Stay turned for my wrote up on episode 2 Estrogen