Wednesday, 10 June 2015

10 ways to tell the difference between a awesome coach and a sh*t faker.. Here is a checklist

I'm so passionate about health and fitness.. I have learnt so much over the years and I have met thousands of people in the fitness industry..

I have had the privilege of meeting some very knowledgeable coaches and athletes and I have also see and heard horrible stories of these people claiming to be professionals with these one size I'm going to starve my clients approach to comp prep and couldn't tell you the difference between a donut and a steak

Im so excited for my prep and these are the things my coach is doing with me that makes me feel safe and assured I'm with a professional

1. Before I even saw my diet I filled in a 30 - 40 questionnaire about my body and how I'm feeling, how its working, any reactions or conditions

He asked me all those questions because he understand the human body, hormones and symptoms and conditions

2. Track record with athletes.. Have a look at the conditioning of a coaches previous clients

3. Have they competed themselves? I'm sorry but unless you have stepping on stage you will never know exactly how you think and feel. If you have never been in shape yourself they don't give others advice

4. Do you have variety in your diet or are they the typical chicken and broccoli? I have a variety as well as probiotics before food to help with my digestion

5. My coach advised me to do a allergy test so we know exactly what foods my body doest agree with

6. How often do you have a consult with your coach? mine is every week

7. Do you have vitamins in your diet? I got sent a list of vitamins and the links to find them which was on a website called I herb.

8. Your first diet, have you been given enough calories or have they started you in minimal calories

9. Do they understand how the body works especially if you're female do the understand how that time of he month works?

10. Do they explain things in details and why they are doing things?

My coach does the above 10 things :)


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