Sunday, 18 January 2015

Getting back on track

Getting back on track

Over the Holiday season I took some time off training to spend time with family. My body was telling me it needed a break and for the first time I actually listened..

Im back on track with my clean eating and exercise and I'm starting to see results in the first week.

The hardest thing I have found with starting again is being patient and trusting the process. When you don't think and feel your best it can really effect your self esteem and confidence which sometimes can make you do extreme things like binge eat because you want to give up and self sabotage or extreme diet because you just want the weight off instantly so you can start to feel confident again.

The best thing to do is to have a plan and stick to it and trust that it will work and everything will be ok :)

The first week will be the toughest part but if you can get past that then it will get easier and easier until it becomes a lifestyle.

I have to work just as hard as everyone else there is no quick fix or short cuts only hard work and dedication

As much as it maybe daunting and embarrassing take photos of yourself once a week so you can track your changes and see your body take shape

Before my break 3 months off diet and training  

Not training and dieting at all


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