Friday, 30 October 2015

My detox stack and secrets!!

The word detox gets thrown around so loosely and it shits me how many people make money off these bullshit fads that just stave you and smash your hormones..

People need to stop focusing on the numbers on a scale and trying to drop weight fast..

Extreme dieting is old news and everyone has tried all the rubbish out there..

What is in is actually looking after your mind, body and soul which will give you a 50 times better outcome then someone that takes short cuts.. You will be happier, healthier and you will stand out :)

You need to plant and seed, look after it and watch it grow..

Im all about balance and inner health.. I have been fat, very skinny, competed in sports modelling, vegan for a few months, no carbs for 16 weeks and I have tried so many other fads.. I do this so I can speak from experience and also teach people the pros and cons

I want to share all the cool things I have found that has really helped me a lot because I do care and I want to help people..

Energy spoon

I found this place today by pure curiosity!!! I drove past it so many times and never knew what it was so I thought I would check it out and I'm so glad I did because I'm in love!!!

5 reasons I love it

1. Firstly It isn't a rip off it is so reasonably priced
2. Everything is organic, so no chemicals
3. They have so many cool things to choose from I felt like I was in a lolly shop
4. They cater for Vegans and they have a cool raw chocolate range ( yes i did buy raw chocolate coated coffee beans )
5.  You know everything in there is clean, tastes INCREDIBLE and will help you to detox

 ATP Science 

I am so proud to be the NSW and ACT rep for Atp Science. They are everything I believe in and they have the same passion as me just on a bigger scale.

They are all about education, detox and hormone balance. They achieve this by combining powerful herbs to help our bodies run as efficiently as possible which will allow us to remove all the toxic chemical build up so it doesn't store as fat in our trouble areas and cause  cellulite and so many other health issues..

Another really cool thing is they release podcasts every week answering every single fitness and health question from cellulite, gut health, PCOS, Testosterone and so many more

You will learn so much from listening to their podcasts and knowledge is power

Organic veggies home delivered..

This is the best!!! I'm so sick of spending so much money at coles and woolies and buying shit that tastes like plastic with 0 flavour!!
I may as well bite into plastic fake fruit, i wouldn't be able to tell the difference

These guys have next day delivery and including delivery I paid $60 for a full box of veggies that I chose online..

I will be creating a detox plan, I want to put myself through it first before I release it everyone.. stay tuned :)

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Have a break.. have a....

Have a break...

The one thing I have never done in my life was to give myself a break.. I'm always full steam ahead and my mind runs at 100miles an hour trying to be the best at everything whether it is 

- Being really lean the natural way and wanting to set an example to others and be their motivation 

- Building a safety net because ever since my dad was sick I have always felt like I was treading water 

- Being the best at my job and working my ass off and impressing my bosses so they are proud of me.. 

Sometimes we just need to breath and chill the fuck out lol I write that with a smile and laugh at how true it is.. 

Just breath and slow your mind down and let yourself think.... Have a look around you and actually take it in.... Don't check Facebook or instagram the second you wake up open your eyes and be thankful at how blessed you are and go for a walk to start your day 

There is so much to life and we are really missing out on all the good parts to be seen, felt and herd...

Tomorrow keep off your phone and forget about all your stress and actually take a look around you 

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Life after comp or after a weight loss challenge... This one is really important!!

Most people have just stepped on stage or are about to step on stage so they are all excited that everything is coming together and paying off..

Firstly Congratulations!! It isn't easy at all and you stuck it out...

Same goes for anyone that has just complete a 30 day challenge or the maxes challenge..

The thing is no one pre pares you for what comes post comp or once you have hit your goal and this is where a lot of people really come undone and do some serious physical and mental damage..

I personally bounced back BIGTIME! and suffered post comp depression and wouldn't even step foot in a gym for months..

Im going to name 5 things that happened to me post comp so you know you aren't alone when this happens to you.. ( I hope it doesn't but I want to prepare you for the worst so you can plan ahead better )

1. You promise yourself you will stay on diet but honestly the second it's finished you turn into a crazy person and you will eat anything and everything and you wont be able to help it. Your body have been deprived for so long the second you give it sugar or normal food your craving go into hectic over drive..

2. You wont want to step foot in a gym or even think about doing cardio for a few weeks and you might even take up a random sport that is completely different

3. You will put on weight and you wont realise and it comes out of know where and then you think holly shit how did I get like this and it will be so much harder to shift because your hormones are all over the place

4. You will have a huge mental battle to try and prep again straight away but your mind and body wont want a bar of it

5. You do get depressed because prepping for so long you get so used to be crazy lean when your normal weigh comes back you really start to not accept your body and you will look for a quick fix

5 Things to help you post comp 

1. Have your meals prepped and lets say you eat 5 meals a day when ever you don't eat with friends eat your prepped meals instead of every meal being a cheat meal

2. Do classes at the gym, that helps because it isn't you battling yourself lifting weights you are in a different environment

3. You have to accept that your body will chase back and to not think you will be comp lean for ever and that everyone goes through it to

4. Honestly my work is incredible for hormone balance so make sure you have a post stack to help you out of comp

5. Be proud of yourself that you took on a challenge and got there and lost the weight now start a mental prep and work on being happy and accepting who you are and where you are today. Get a diary and write down your thoughts


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Supplements... Do you really need a million different powders and potions?? Start using your brain

This one baffles me...

I am going to be the very first person to admit I have 0 idea about all these gym supplements and what they do


I couldn't even name any more or know what they do I had to google it...


Because I don't take them


Because I don't need too and I don't care to start to


Because I have tackled and fixed the major causes of my problems with my body so I don't need bandaid plosibo expensive supplements

My Major issues I have had to tackle and I have fixed and gotten on top off

Hormone in balance and gut health issues leading to
- Not having that time of the month for 3 years
- Excess estrogen build up on my legs, booty and arms
- I have the MTHFR gene deformity
- Cellulite
- Fixing my mebolism and hormones after my previous competition and dealing with the bounce back
- Having leaky gut and poor digestion

These are major things and for most people and women especially they are suffering from
- Being over weight
- Insulin sensitive
- Thyroid disfunction's

And so many other conditions!!

Do you really think a high stim fat burner that taste like sugar water will help you or a fat burner protein... Come on!!

Use your brain

Find out what your major issues are and tackle then directly... Stop with the I want to drop 5kgs quickly.. get over it, throw your scales in the bin and get over your outside appearance and work on your inside

You can think this is a product push but it isnt i dont get any kick backs form you buying Atp I dont have a "special code" rubbish

I say this because I'm telling people what helped me and the only thing that sorted out my hormones was Atp Science and Thorne multi V for my MTHFR gene.

I have also cut out all dairy and I listen to my body if I feel sick after eating something I wont eat again Eg Sweet potato sits in my stomach and wont digest properly  

It's time to take back control of our health!!!