Most people have just stepped on stage or are about to step on stage so they are all excited that everything is coming together and paying off..
Firstly Congratulations!! It isn't easy at all and you stuck it out...
Same goes for anyone that has just complete a 30 day challenge or the maxes challenge..
The thing is no one pre pares you for what comes post comp or once you have hit your goal and this is where a lot of people really come undone and do some serious physical and mental damage..
I personally bounced back BIGTIME! and suffered post comp depression and wouldn't even step foot in a gym for months..
Im going to name 5 things that happened to me post comp so you know you aren't alone when this happens to you.. ( I hope it doesn't but I want to prepare you for the worst so you can plan ahead better )
1. You promise yourself you will stay on diet but honestly the second it's finished you turn into a crazy person and you will eat anything and everything and you wont be able to help it. Your body have been deprived for so long the second you give it sugar or normal food your craving go into hectic over drive..
2. You wont want to step foot in a gym or even think about doing cardio for a few weeks and you might even take up a random sport that is completely different
3. You will put on weight and you wont realise and it comes out of know where and then you think holly shit how did I get like this and it will be so much harder to shift because your hormones are all over the place
4. You will have a huge mental battle to try and prep again straight away but your mind and body wont want a bar of it
5. You do get depressed because prepping for so long you get so used to be crazy lean when your normal weigh comes back you really start to not accept your body and you will look for a quick fix
5 Things to help you post comp
1. Have your meals prepped and lets say you eat 5 meals a day when ever you don't eat with friends eat your prepped meals instead of every meal being a cheat meal
2. Do classes at the gym, that helps because it isn't you battling yourself lifting weights you are in a different environment
3. You have to accept that your body will chase back and to not think you will be comp lean for ever and that everyone goes through it to
4. Honestly my work is incredible for hormone balance so make sure you have a post stack to help you out of comp
5. Be proud of yourself that you took on a challenge and got there and lost the weight now start a mental prep and work on being happy and accepting who you are and where you are today. Get a diary and write down your thoughts
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