Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Why the F are you training?? is for the "Fitness" "Facebook attention" "Fun" "For the distraction"

Why the F are you training??

 Is for the "Fitness" "Facebook attention" "Fun" "For the distraction"

This question has always made me wonder why people train..

The response I get straight away is I want to lose weight and tone up but when I dig deeper that isn't the case at all..

I'm not your typical personal trainer.. Yeah I could flog you in the gym for a hour and forget about you but that isn't going to do anything if mentally you keep self sabotaging yourself and you are mentally beating yourself up

I want to know what's going on in your head and your mindset because that will paint me a clearer picture as to why you do the things you do and we can work together to break some of the habits

When I have dug deeper here are some of the reasons people turn to the gym

1. They have just gone through a break up or divorce and they have lost their confidence

2. They used to be overweight when they were younger

3. They like the Facebook attention and the attention from boys / girls

4. They have cellulite and they can't get rid of their troubled spots

5. The have low self esteem and confidence and they think getting fit or skinny will solve their problems.

6. They love food way too much.. Haha

As you grow and learn to love yourself your reason for training will change... I used to train for the above reasons at different stages of my life but now my reason are completely different

5 reason why I train 

1. After being in a flipped car I have no option but to keep training and building muscle to support my back other wise it gets very painful and I get constant head aches and nerve pain

2. Being a personal trainer / life coach I need to set an example so I can teach my clients and speak from experience

3. I genuinely love training hard and eating clean... My mind, body and soul thanks me so much for giving it nothing but the best

4. I want feel comfortable in clothes and when I'm with my partner

5. I have a few medical conditions and I have to eat clean and train to keep ontop of it

So ask yourself... Why am I training?

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