Friday, 27 February 2015

Quick and easy meal ideas while living out of a suit case..

Everyone knows how crazy my life is and I'm on a plane every single week flying across Australia..

When I was prepping for my competition I had to still eat all the meals on my plan given to me by my coach while travelling to random places and living out of a suit case.. It was such a struggle and I had to think quick, plan ahead and thank my lucky stars..

I love sharing all my little tricks because I want to make things easier for everyone else :) Here is some quick meal ideas to save you guys eating out all the time

Equipment that will make your life easier

- Buy a sandwich maker and use that to cook all your meals. All you need is a powerpoint and it will fit in any suit case or carry on luggage

- Buy a bullet blender to make fresh smoothies and juices

Breakfast ideas 

-  Oats with cinnamon and fresh fruit

-  Carmens muesli with yoghurt

- Smoked Salmon and avocado

Snack Ideas 

- Hommus or other flavour Dips with cucumbers and celery

- Fresh Fruit and yoghurt

- Almonds and protein shake

Lunch ideas 

- Cooked chicken and salad

- Make a wrap with chicken, mustard and vegetables

- Woolworths have a sushi section now

Dinner ideas

- Carb Free pasta ( only need to add hot water ) with stir through sauce

- Smoked Salmon and vegetables

- Lettuce leaves and add your favourite fillings and make your own bun free burger


- Protein Cancakes ( a scoop of protein, water and put it in th microwave for 30 seconds and sprinkle almonds on top )

- Cottage cheese and protein mixed together with cinnamon

- Sugar free hot chocolate  

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

10 Pros and Cons I found with competing

I get people asking me all the time if they should compete and hopefully this might give a little bit more information :)


1. You get to watch your body change weekly and its really exciting setting goals and training to reach those goals

2. You go on this emotional roller coaster and you really find out so many things about yourself and your life you didn't know or realise.. I can't explain it but you get deep haha

3. Prepping and having things to follow for 20 weeks is not easy at all and there are days you don't want to move or get out of bed but it really does give you some awesome qualities to be able to apply to any job or task you decided to go for in future

4. The support and motivation.. Having like minded people around me on a similar mission to make it on stage really made me feel like i was part of something special and we all motivated and supported each other and became a little family.. Love you all the Mass girls Brooke, Dani, Kayla, Sam :)

5. You have photos and memories to last a life time to remind yourself that you stuck it out and you did it


1. It isn't a cheap sport at all, I would have spent around $5000 last prep with my coach, sups, training sessions, food, bikini, posing classes, training gear, registration

2. The bounce back after comp is crazy!! Nearly everyone puts on 10+ Kgs after comp due to your diet being so restricted for months then you go back to eating normal foods your body holds onto everything

3. Crazy hormones.. When I was competing my hormones were completely out of whack and I would randomly cry, anger snaps from being so tired and drained and my mind would feel blank. My room mate understood the process because he competes as well so I was lucky but most people lose a lot of friends

4. Missing out on special events: Birthdays, weekends out, catch ups with friends.. When you're on such a strict schedule you dont really have time for social events and you have to prep your own food so you can't really eat out

5. If you have a partner it really adds a lot of pressure and stress on your relationship.. There are so many couples i know that break up close to being on stage because it gets to much

My honest advice.. I wouldn't recommend competing to people that don't want to be a professional fitness athlete it's a little to harsh on your mind and body I would recommend you set a realistic goal and go for it and maybe book a photoshoot at the end :)

Monday, 23 February 2015

F45 Lane Cove :)

A different type of training..

Throughout my prep I was limited to what type of training I could do in order to build the perfect bikini body which meant slow walks in the morning and lots of weight sessions in a gym

Now that I'm in my off season I have been going back to the things that I love which is
- Circuit training
- Kickboxing
- Hill sprints

Pretty much anything not in a gym haha

While being in Sydney visiting family I came across F45 which is located in Lane Cove and now I'm hooked!!

- The energy is awesome and positive

- No mirrors = You can get in the zone and focus on training and not care what you look like and how red your face is lol

- The head trainers are fit themselves and really get the most out of you without having to yell and carry on

How it works is 
- 40seconds as hard as you can per exercise with a 20 seconds break for 45 minutes

- There are different stations so you're constantly moving around and ever bored and the time honestly flys

- No session is ever the same which is so exciting to not do the same boring thing over and over again

Im so glad I found F45 Lane Cove It's such a refreshing change and it has helped really shred my stubborn fat and get me back to where I want to be.

If you are keen to check it out and have a workout add them on Facebook F45 lane cove
or send Samuel Walton a message and organise a time :)

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Calories Versus Chemicals

Calories versus Sugar free chemicals!!

I see people constantly on Facebook always talking about how good their sugar free chocolate, maple syrup, BBQ sauce and other products taste as an alternative to the real thing and when I was prepping I was exactly the same.
Now that I'm not competing and can think clearly it got me thinking..

How safe are sugar free products?

These are some of the chemicals in sugar free foods

  • 420 Sorbitol
  • 421 Mannitol
  • 953 Isomalt
  • 965 Maltitol or hydrogenated glucose syrup
  • 967 Xylitol
  • 968 Erythritol
  • 1200 Polydextrose
Can you even pronounce these words let alone know the effects it has on your body?? If you can't pronounce the ingredient you shouldn't be eating it I say.. 

Tests have shown that some of these chemicals lead to 
abdominal pain and cramping 

All those things just to avoid a few calories from sugar that you will burn off with exercise.. Seems crazy when you really think about it

Its scary how many people have sensitive stomaches and food intolerances and I'm not surprised why

Eat real food not chemicals.... Your body and health will thank you for it 

Sunday, 15 February 2015

$50 I can make any Body builder scream in the gym using one bit of equipment :)

Haha I have trained with some very big boys at Mass training facility and in gyms across Australia who are over 100kgs easy of solid muscle..  

I have also been put through some grueling training sessions but nothing compares to pain felt from my good old friend the form roller haha 

That thing has me scrunching my face and making funny noises trying to fight how much it sucks when it rolls right over your tight muscles. Im yet to see someone use this piece of equipment and not scrunch their face in short term pain lol

It’s the most underused piece of equipment but one of the most effective things to use and my god the thing works wonders!!

When you have tight muscles it really effects your posture and muscle activation also it is very important to roll out and release your muscles in order for everything to work efficiently..

The worst bit for me personal is my ITB band which is rolling down the sides of your legs. To avoid it being so painful make sure you stretch after each workout

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

My 5 Biggest fitness mistakes in the past

My top 5 biggest mistakes made in the past..

Over the years I have tried different things for weight loss and muscle gain and at the age of 18 was where I think I did the most damage to my body due to a lack of education and a burning desire to be skinny because that was the "in thing" and unfortunately there is still the pressure to be slim all the time.

I dont want people and especially young girls to make the same mistakes and I did growing up.

I have a little sister and want to point her on the right path so I'm being very honest on some of the mistakes I made and how I over came it

Below are my top 5 biggest mistakes I don't anyone else to make.. 

1. Under eating and over training  

Why is it bad for you?
Have you ever herd of the term skinny fat? what happens is when you under eat and train hard your body needs fuel so if you aren't giving it the proper fuel then it will leave your fat stores and take it straight from your muscle.. What your left with is you looking slimmer because you have lost all your muscle but its all loose and flabby because you don't have any muscle or shape

How I over came it!! 
After I burnt all my muscle and was left looking skinny fat I hated how my body looked. I spoke to a fitness professional and realised I wasn't eating enough food so I download my fitness pal which is a app and it works out your calories for you and every time i would eat something I added it in there so I knew how many calories I needed to eat per day

2. Skipping meals!! 

Why is it bad? 
When your body doesn't think it will get fed it will go into panic mode and hold onto everything you eat because it thinks it won't get fed which then leads to weight gain.

How i over came it!!
I would set an alarm on my phone to go off every 2 - 3 hours reminding me to eat and what number meal I was up to

3. Over training!! 

Why is it bad?
I must have ADD or something going on because I would train for 4 - 5 hours a day from walking in the morning to beach sprints then a weights session finished with cardio again. My body was under so much stress from not having rest and recovery I was constantly getting shin splints which hurt so bad and tight muscles which gave me a head aches every day and my hormones where completely out of whack so I was always emotional haha

How I fixed it!! 

My shin splints made it impossible for me to train so I was forced to have a break for 4 weeks. Having all this time off from training I decided to do research. I found a picture of some fitness model I looked up to who happened to be andrea brazier and googled her training program and tried that instead of all my crazy training then I realised I didn't have to do crazy amounts of training  

4. Guilt training!!

Why is it bad?
I used to have the worlds biggest sweet tooth as a kid I would eat ice cream for breakfast if I could. As a kid you don't care you're like what ever this cream bun or chocolate cake is epic haha teenagers start to get more health conscious and start watching their weight. So if I did have something bad to eat after I ate it I would go for a 3K run to burn it off because I was so scared of putting weight on

How I over came it!! 

By guilt training my weight fluctuated like crazy which then again leads to skinny fat. I still remember someone saying to me "If you eat one good meal will that make you skinny instantly?" me - No
"Sooooo will one bad meal make you instantly fat?" me - No
then it clicked haha
What I did decided to do was I gave myself a cheat day and said to myself if I eat proper food monday to Friday I will have the weekend off and I will be ok

5. Not wearing proper fitness gear 

Why is it bad?
As much as I love my Adidas kicks they have zero support and gave me skin splints and collapsed arches and my feet decided to roll in and everything was out of whack which then lead to numerous physio sessions and orthotics to correct my posture

How I overcame it? 
I went into foot locker "BUUUUUURP HALF TIME"  hahaha sorry the guys there do like referees hahaha The guys there measured my feet and I got fitted properly with shoes to cater for my training

Hope this info will help you or someone you know that is a teenager that might be struggling

Monday, 9 February 2015

Having fun with food

My secret hobby is I love to cook :)

Yesterday I was having a play around with different breakfast ideas for people thats are on the go and don't have time to eat a proper cooked meal. This was one of my ideas

First Layer - Chia seed and coconut milk
Second Layer - Soft oats
Third layer - Greek yoghurt with blueberries
Top layer - Granola

I will keep playing with food and will share all my creations :)

If anyone has an ideas or favourites let me know and I will see what I can create.. Inbox your ideas to me on face book milena tramoshannon

Sunday, 8 February 2015

The C word... "Cardio"

The C word "Cardio" can make people cringe

I'm not going to lie there are some days I wake up and think the last thing I want to do is to go for a walk right now..

The stuff I'm going tell you is so basic i know but honestly just keep it simple.. It doesn't have to be complicated. Small changes make the biggest difference

I have found a few different ways to make it less painful.. These are the top 5 things I do to help me get out of bed and get my booty moving

1. I will drag my room mate or friend with me for a walk, if you have someone to go with you know you can't bail lol

2. Borrow a friends dog to take for a walk.. the dog in this pic is actually my neighbours

3. Give yourself a reward, say to yourself if I go for a walk I will get to have a coffee on the way back. ( thats my favourite )

4. If you are meeting someone for breakfast walk to and from breakfast

5. When you first wake up play a song that gets you pumped up and excited which will give you a natural energy kick to wake up. Have some good music on your phone, chuck your head phones in and head out the door

Monday, 2 February 2015

Clean eating is key

I have always said abs are made in the kitchen and honestly it's true..

If you want to have a flat stomach and to see definition you need to keep your body fat % low and you do that by eating proper food.

I have been eating nothing out of a packet or processed, i have added in a few home made green vegetable juices to really help my digestion and its starting to pay off :)

try and drink 3L of water a day to help flush out toxins

Sunday, 1 February 2015

One of my leg workouts

Leg Extension 

20 reps /  4 sets

Super set with

Machine squats 

20 reps / 4 sets

Leg press 

15 - 20 reps / 4 sets

Superset with

Walking lunges 

Sled pushes

4 laps