Friday, 29 May 2015

My High intensity training with my Strength and conditioning coach

HITT training with Carlos from Rileys gym

This year I have set some really big goals that I'm excited and nervous about :)

Last years prep I stuck to weights and only weights and no other types of training.. This year I want to bring a bigger and better package and I want to push my body to its limits to see what it can do..

In regards to fitness and even in life I don't believe we will get everything we need from the one thing I believe we should pick and choose what works for us and what doesn't and to try new things..

Once a week I'm booked in with Carlos who is an incredibly knowledgable trainer who I have a huge amount of respect for.. I love his training because he focuses on

- High intensity Full body workouts
- Strength
- Conditioning
- Posture
- Flexibility

After his sessions every muscle in my body is so sore.. Our last session was 15 exercises superset 10 - 20 reps with 1 - 2 minutes break each set..

Don't just do what everyone else does... Be different :)

Check out my trainer

Monday, 25 May 2015

Stop chasing numbers on the scales...

This one is a big one!!

Chasing numbers on the scales is what leads people to do drastic things to drop weight and also sacrifice their nutrition and health.. I used to chase numbers on the scales and all it made me do was get depressed, anxious and didn't do me any justice at all..

Last years competition i was on stage is 65kgs and just under 9% body fat..

I have just started to prepare for my next competition and I'm currently sitting at 76kgs.. Im not going to lie seeing that number on the scales made me freak out and my mind started to spin and panic..

I calmed down and told myself why am I getting upset over a number on a scale??

The best way to keep track is to take photos of yourself once a week and also grab those skinny jeans you can't fit into anymore and use that as your motivation..

Im 76kg in these pictures and it doesn't bother me anymore :)

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Starting to get back on track.. 22 weeks out

22 weeks out

All fun and games is slowly starting to come to an end for me. I start prepping for my next competition in 22 weeks which meals every single meal will have to be prepared by me and I will be under strict instructions from my coach so no more free eating :(

I have half started to eat clean and started prepping my meals and I have noticed a difference already

Im going to keep track again for all my progression and changes so you guys can join in on the journey

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

My personal Booty workout

My personal Booty workout...

I have taken photos from google images so you can see what the machines look like :)  

Today I picked

Superset 2 exercises for Booty
Superset 2 exercises for my hamstrings
Superset 2 exercise for Quads
Superset 2 calves

By the end of my workout I was exhausted!!

Put your mind to muscle e.g. if your working your booty make sure you slow down your reps and really squeeze that muscle so hard so it burns..

Dont do your reps really fast because your technique and posture goes out the window and you have no idea what you're working lol

Warm up..

2 sets of walking lunges 20 reps

I super set everything which means going form one machine to another without having a break


20 reps per exercise 4 sets with 1 minute rest after each superset 

20 reps per exercise 4 sets with 1 minute rest after each superset 

<-- My personal picture 

20 reps per exercise 4 sets with 1 minute rest after each superset 

2 - 3 sets of 15 - 20 reps


Saturday, 16 May 2015

Activate your almonds!!

It won't hurt to activate your almonds :)

After doing some research of my own I kept reading things about almonds and how you have to activate them first. I have been eating almonds for years and this was the first I have heard of it.. 
Why should you activate your almonds?  
- One particular study claimed that raw almonds contain certain phytochemicals that prevents your body from absorbing all the nutrients that come from Almonds
- By activating your Almonds it helps with digestion 
How do you activate almonds?
The activation process requires almonds to be soaked in water for 12 hours. By soaking the almonds in water for 12 hours should deactivate the enzyme inhibitors and brings the nut to life. Once the almonds have been soaked, they are then dehydrated at low temperatures (40 degrees) over a 24-hour period. 
I gave it a go myself and I have noticed a huge difference with digestion and taste... 

Give it a go you have nothing to lose :) 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

5 tips when doing Soft sand beach runs

Ok... I sometimes have these bright ideas to go for a soft sand run on a 30 degree day

Today was one of those days lol

I decided I would run from Broadbeach to Surfers Paradise on the soft sand..

In total it's roughly 7km which I didn't realise and I couldn't tell you last time I went for a run, I have been sticking to my weights..

I put my ear phones in and off I went. It was actually a really good mental and physical battle and you want to stop so many times but you keep pushing through

A few things to remember if you are going to go for a run outdoors

My top 5 tips

1. Wear sunscreen you will get burnt especially on your shoulders

2. Have a good music playlist before you start running it will help so much break through the mental barriers

3. Don't do what I did and run 7km straight away do a 1km or 2km first and work up to doing 7km

4. Stretch before and after. My legs and calves were crazy painful after and it took me 3 days to recover

5. Start on the hard sand first to condition your legs then go on the soft sand once your legs are used to the un even surface

Lastly as an extra tip put sports tap under your feet and around your toes because you will get crazy blistered from the sand which makes it difficult to walk after your run and wear proper shoes..

Hope this has helped :)

Monday, 11 May 2015

Rest Day

Put your hand up if you ever  have a proper rest day? I bet no one put their hands up haha

The biggest mistake people make when training is over training
less = more..

If you train properly when you're in the gym and train to failure you should be so sore that you can't hit that same muscle group the next day..

No only does your muscles need a rest but you also need to give your nervous system and hormones a rest..

Listen to your body it will always tell you what it wants :)

On my rest days I like to go for a easy walk and to lay in the sun to recharge and refresh..

Put down the weighs and pick up something fun

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Happy mothers day!!

Happy mothers day to all the mums across the world :)

I'm such a lucky girl to call this special lady my mum.. She is strong, funny, sometimes random, caring and loves me and everyone around me unconditionally..

You only ever get one mum so if you are lucky enough to still have yours on this Earth make sure you give her a huge hug and kiss..

If you are already a parent then you will know how hard it is and exactly what she would of went through raising you.

I love that we have a mothers day dedicated to all the mums :)


Thursday, 7 May 2015

Nature is the best medicine

Nature really is such an incredible medicine..

Life can be so crazy at times and it can leave your head spinning..

I'm not going to lie the past few weeks everything has all come at once and I haven't slept properly or eaten properly due to stress with so many changes and decisions to make good and bad..

I have been working really hard and I haven't been training at all because I'm so tired..

When life can get overwhelming the best advice I can give you is to

Stop... Breath.... and remind yourself you will be ok...

The next thing to do is to remove yourself away from the computer, office or where ever you have been stressed and honestly just spend 30minutes outdoors wether its by the beach, in your back yard, at a park with head phones in listen to music..

30 minutes outdoors and away from all the stress really helps so much with anxiety, stress and it allows you to breath and gather your racing thoughts.

My final advice is to speak up and let the closest people to you that you might be struggling and feeling overwhelmed.

If you dont have any friends or family then I'm here so feel free to comment if you ever feel stuck or trapped in your own thoughts


Monday, 4 May 2015

Yoga with a fun twist :)

                                    Yoga with a twist

I have seen pictures on Facebook come up more and more of these people doing all these awesome poses and partner work that reminds me a little of circ du soleil :) I was honestly so impressed by it and it's so different which really caught my attention.

 I'm always looking for a new challenges and a friend of mind Madonna is an instructor and invited me along to her Monday morning class 7am - 8am at main beach to give it a go.

Im not going to lie I was so nervous thinking there is no way I can do that, I'm not that strong or flexible so I was really out of my comfort zone on this one.

I bit the bullet and gave it a go and completely surprised myself!!

No only did i get lifted up and had my hands behind my back I also lifted up Brendan who is a strong and solid guy and I held him up while he put his hands behind his back haha

There is no better feeling then stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new...

I can honestly say I'm now hooked and I want to try some other cool things..

Add or follow  "Zen Soul Life" and check out some of their other cool stuff and give it a go

Watch this space because in a few weeks I will upload some really cool pics hehe