Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Prepping for a bikini competition... Don't put all your eggs in one basket

This has been playing on my mind for a while now and I can speak from experience because I have put myself through a Bikini competition...

I am coming from a very genuine and good place when I explain what I have seen over the years and what I have personally experienced.
I really hate seeing people throw every single thing away for a competition

I have seen so many people ( including myself )

- Give up their job while prepping for a competition,

- Relationships suffer and majority of the time fail due to the very strict schedule and constant random mood swings ect that's involved,

- Businesses suffer due to the owners attention being on prepping and not spent on building their business  

- Racking up huge debts to cover the coaches, training, supplements, bikini ect

- Self esteem and head games that have put people in some dark places while trying to get lean enough

All for a bikini competition that is over and done with in 10minutes.. 

I spent in total $5,000 on my prep and I came second in Ifbb QLD and I didn't even get my plastic trophy on the day. The organisers said it will be posted out to me and I am yet to receive it after numerous attempts chasing them.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the sport and I respect everyone that competes and preps because it is so crazy hard and it takes a very strong person to stick it out and make it on stage.. 

My biggest concern is that people are putting all their eggs in one basket and walking away after comp having to pick up the pieces..

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

What are you thankful for??

Ok... So before everyone starts thinking about their new years resolutions, I want you to reflected on the past and appreciate the present in order to move on in the future reminding yourself of life's lessons

I want you to get a pen and paper and write down 10 things you are thankful for this last year :)

Here is my top 10 things I am thankful for this past year

Im thankful for...

1. Stepping out of my comfort zone and moving back to Sydney to chase my career even though I didn't want to move back and loved my life on the Gold Coast. I took a risk and it paid off  

2. Working for ATP Science. When I first started with Atp I was shitting myself thinking I was way over my head but I worked my bum off and now it comes naturally and I am really loving every moment and  I am learning so much

3.  Spending a lot of time with my family and watching my nephews and niece grow up

4. My incredible boyfriend, I never thought I would ever find someone after being single for two years. I was in a abusive relationship and was shut off from relationships. I had to work hard on myself to trust again and I'm glad I did because he is incredible

5. Working with my stores to conduct women's weight loss seminars across Sydney

6. My training sessions, I love training hard and I have been trying things outside of the gym and I am really loving different types of training

7. Letting go of anything negative and forgiving but not forgetting

8. I have been saving some good coin and I have my 3 year plan to have my deposit for a loft apartment

9.  For going on a family holiday, I am exactly like my dad and I am a workaholic. I only got my passport the week before I left and I didn't even care I was going. I am glad I went and it has shown me to switch off

10. I am thankful for my heart, soul, pure intentions and passion for helping people and animals. I consider myself to be a very genuine and non selfish or judgemental person and if I had a daughter like myself I would be proud. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Mental prison

Proof that I don't just have a 6 pack all year round.. 

The thing is...  

We put ourselves in a mental prison over our outside shell thats only purpose is to protect our spirit, 


Why do we punish ourselves so harshly and put our happiness in solitary confinement? 

It's time we break out of our mental prison and give ourselves freedom to experience life and to be free.. 

Your heart and your spirit is the only thing that matters so if you want to judge something then judge that..

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Who do you think you are?

I was listening to the latest podcast from Atp Science called "secret mens business" and they made some really awesome points and mentioned qualities that their fathers told them that made you a man.

It really got me thinking and I came up with my own check list on things to ask yourself to self analyse on what type of person you are on the inside...

"You can have a good body but if you have a ugly heart... you are ugly."

Here are my list questions to ask yourself to determine what type of person you are

Men & Women  

Men - How well to do you treat the women in your life? Eg Mum, Gf, Sister ect 

Ask yourself if you had a daughter and someone treated them the way you treated a women, would you be happy?

Men & Women - How well can you control your temper? 

Are you quick to raise your voice, show aggression, become very nasty and manipulative

or are you

Calm, logical, patient and can walk away without holding a grudge and just let it go

MenWomen - If your partner or ex partner was to describe you and how you treated them throughout your relationship, what kind of things would they say about you? 

list 5 good points and 5 bad points they would say

Men & Women - Your social media. Pretend you are a complete stranger and stalk your own Facebook page. What would you say about that person ( aka You ) judging only by your posts and pictures on your Facebook page 

Men & Women - If your best friend or partner just scored an awesome opportunity or won the lotto ect and they started to get a lot attention

Could you genuinely be happy for them and appreciate their success or would you get jealous and start to distance yourself from them?

Men & Women -  How well do you treat animals?

Are they just something you feed twice a day or do you put in same effort as you would your best friend?

Women -  How quickly would you sleep with a guy? 

Is sex just a what ever thing and it's fun or do you make them wait until you know they have put in the effort and respect

Men & Women - If someone is getting bullied do you 

A) Take sides with the bully because they are intimidating and you don't want the attention on you?
B) Help out the person getting bullied because they are getting attacked?
C) Mind your own business and turn a blind eye? 

Men & Women - Would you go through your partners phone or Facebook or do you respect and trust their privacy? 

Men -  When you take out a girl do you pay, go halves or she is expected to pay?

There are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions I just want people to start to think about what type of person they are on inside and if they met that same person would they want to be friends with them??

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Why the F are you training?? is for the "Fitness" "Facebook attention" "Fun" "For the distraction"

Why the F are you training??

 Is for the "Fitness" "Facebook attention" "Fun" "For the distraction"

This question has always made me wonder why people train..

The response I get straight away is I want to lose weight and tone up but when I dig deeper that isn't the case at all..

I'm not your typical personal trainer.. Yeah I could flog you in the gym for a hour and forget about you but that isn't going to do anything if mentally you keep self sabotaging yourself and you are mentally beating yourself up

I want to know what's going on in your head and your mindset because that will paint me a clearer picture as to why you do the things you do and we can work together to break some of the habits

When I have dug deeper here are some of the reasons people turn to the gym

1. They have just gone through a break up or divorce and they have lost their confidence

2. They used to be overweight when they were younger

3. They like the Facebook attention and the attention from boys / girls

4. They have cellulite and they can't get rid of their troubled spots

5. The have low self esteem and confidence and they think getting fit or skinny will solve their problems.

6. They love food way too much.. Haha

As you grow and learn to love yourself your reason for training will change... I used to train for the above reasons at different stages of my life but now my reason are completely different

5 reason why I train 

1. After being in a flipped car I have no option but to keep training and building muscle to support my back other wise it gets very painful and I get constant head aches and nerve pain

2. Being a personal trainer / life coach I need to set an example so I can teach my clients and speak from experience

3. I genuinely love training hard and eating clean... My mind, body and soul thanks me so much for giving it nothing but the best

4. I want feel comfortable in clothes and when I'm with my partner

5. I have a few medical conditions and I have to eat clean and train to keep ontop of it

So ask yourself... Why am I training?

Thursday, 5 November 2015

I'm a modern day hippy :)

I must sound like a crazy hippy with my coconut oil teeth brushing, my box of organic veggies, alpha Venus and T432 plus, organic herbs but it honestly pays off.. 

Looking after you inside will show on the outside.. 

I haven't been training because I have some health issues going on but it just goes to show you should work smarter not harder

I have been working on a little detox protocol and it seems to be working smile emoticon

Friday, 30 October 2015

My detox stack and secrets!!

The word detox gets thrown around so loosely and it shits me how many people make money off these bullshit fads that just stave you and smash your hormones..

People need to stop focusing on the numbers on a scale and trying to drop weight fast..

Extreme dieting is old news and everyone has tried all the rubbish out there..

What is in is actually looking after your mind, body and soul which will give you a 50 times better outcome then someone that takes short cuts.. You will be happier, healthier and you will stand out :)

You need to plant and seed, look after it and watch it grow..

Im all about balance and inner health.. I have been fat, very skinny, competed in sports modelling, vegan for a few months, no carbs for 16 weeks and I have tried so many other fads.. I do this so I can speak from experience and also teach people the pros and cons

I want to share all the cool things I have found that has really helped me a lot because I do care and I want to help people..

Energy spoon

I found this place today by pure curiosity!!! I drove past it so many times and never knew what it was so I thought I would check it out and I'm so glad I did because I'm in love!!!

5 reasons I love it

1. Firstly It isn't a rip off it is so reasonably priced
2. Everything is organic, so no chemicals
3. They have so many cool things to choose from I felt like I was in a lolly shop
4. They cater for Vegans and they have a cool raw chocolate range ( yes i did buy raw chocolate coated coffee beans )
5.  You know everything in there is clean, tastes INCREDIBLE and will help you to detox

 ATP Science 

I am so proud to be the NSW and ACT rep for Atp Science. They are everything I believe in and they have the same passion as me just on a bigger scale.

They are all about education, detox and hormone balance. They achieve this by combining powerful herbs to help our bodies run as efficiently as possible which will allow us to remove all the toxic chemical build up so it doesn't store as fat in our trouble areas and cause  cellulite and so many other health issues..

Another really cool thing is they release podcasts every week answering every single fitness and health question from cellulite, gut health, PCOS, Testosterone and so many more

You will learn so much from listening to their podcasts and knowledge is power

Organic veggies home delivered..

This is the best!!! I'm so sick of spending so much money at coles and woolies and buying shit that tastes like plastic with 0 flavour!!
I may as well bite into plastic fake fruit, i wouldn't be able to tell the difference

These guys have next day delivery and including delivery I paid $60 for a full box of veggies that I chose online..

I will be creating a detox plan, I want to put myself through it first before I release it everyone.. stay tuned :)

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Have a break.. have a....

Have a break...

The one thing I have never done in my life was to give myself a break.. I'm always full steam ahead and my mind runs at 100miles an hour trying to be the best at everything whether it is 

- Being really lean the natural way and wanting to set an example to others and be their motivation 

- Building a safety net because ever since my dad was sick I have always felt like I was treading water 

- Being the best at my job and working my ass off and impressing my bosses so they are proud of me.. 

Sometimes we just need to breath and chill the fuck out lol I write that with a smile and laugh at how true it is.. 

Just breath and slow your mind down and let yourself think.... Have a look around you and actually take it in.... Don't check Facebook or instagram the second you wake up open your eyes and be thankful at how blessed you are and go for a walk to start your day 

There is so much to life and we are really missing out on all the good parts to be seen, felt and herd...

Tomorrow keep off your phone and forget about all your stress and actually take a look around you 

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Life after comp or after a weight loss challenge... This one is really important!!

Most people have just stepped on stage or are about to step on stage so they are all excited that everything is coming together and paying off..

Firstly Congratulations!! It isn't easy at all and you stuck it out...

Same goes for anyone that has just complete a 30 day challenge or the maxes challenge..

The thing is no one pre pares you for what comes post comp or once you have hit your goal and this is where a lot of people really come undone and do some serious physical and mental damage..

I personally bounced back BIGTIME! and suffered post comp depression and wouldn't even step foot in a gym for months..

Im going to name 5 things that happened to me post comp so you know you aren't alone when this happens to you.. ( I hope it doesn't but I want to prepare you for the worst so you can plan ahead better )

1. You promise yourself you will stay on diet but honestly the second it's finished you turn into a crazy person and you will eat anything and everything and you wont be able to help it. Your body have been deprived for so long the second you give it sugar or normal food your craving go into hectic over drive..

2. You wont want to step foot in a gym or even think about doing cardio for a few weeks and you might even take up a random sport that is completely different

3. You will put on weight and you wont realise and it comes out of know where and then you think holly shit how did I get like this and it will be so much harder to shift because your hormones are all over the place

4. You will have a huge mental battle to try and prep again straight away but your mind and body wont want a bar of it

5. You do get depressed because prepping for so long you get so used to be crazy lean when your normal weigh comes back you really start to not accept your body and you will look for a quick fix

5 Things to help you post comp 

1. Have your meals prepped and lets say you eat 5 meals a day when ever you don't eat with friends eat your prepped meals instead of every meal being a cheat meal

2. Do classes at the gym, that helps because it isn't you battling yourself lifting weights you are in a different environment

3. You have to accept that your body will chase back and to not think you will be comp lean for ever and that everyone goes through it to

4. Honestly my work is incredible for hormone balance so make sure you have a post stack to help you out of comp

5. Be proud of yourself that you took on a challenge and got there and lost the weight now start a mental prep and work on being happy and accepting who you are and where you are today. Get a diary and write down your thoughts


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Supplements... Do you really need a million different powders and potions?? Start using your brain

This one baffles me...

I am going to be the very first person to admit I have 0 idea about all these gym supplements and what they do


I couldn't even name any more or know what they do I had to google it...


Because I don't take them


Because I don't need too and I don't care to start to


Because I have tackled and fixed the major causes of my problems with my body so I don't need bandaid plosibo expensive supplements

My Major issues I have had to tackle and I have fixed and gotten on top off

Hormone in balance and gut health issues leading to
- Not having that time of the month for 3 years
- Excess estrogen build up on my legs, booty and arms
- I have the MTHFR gene deformity
- Cellulite
- Fixing my mebolism and hormones after my previous competition and dealing with the bounce back
- Having leaky gut and poor digestion

These are major things and for most people and women especially they are suffering from
- Being over weight
- Insulin sensitive
- Thyroid disfunction's

And so many other conditions!!

Do you really think a high stim fat burner that taste like sugar water will help you or a fat burner protein... Come on!!

Use your brain

Find out what your major issues are and tackle then directly... Stop with the I want to drop 5kgs quickly.. get over it, throw your scales in the bin and get over your outside appearance and work on your inside

You can think this is a product push but it isnt i dont get any kick backs form you buying Atp I dont have a "special code" rubbish

I say this because I'm telling people what helped me and the only thing that sorted out my hormones was Atp Science and Thorne multi V for my MTHFR gene.

I have also cut out all dairy and I listen to my body if I feel sick after eating something I wont eat again Eg Sweet potato sits in my stomach and wont digest properly  

It's time to take back control of our health!!!

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

You can't out train a bad out diet

This one I have tried to do for years!!!

I would smash a block of chocolate then go for a run after thinking I would be sweet...

Ahhh no

Firstly what you put in your mouth determines how your body reacts..

Eg My stomach can't handle dairy so if I eat a block of chocolate my stomach gets really sick for 2 days then my body then becomes inflamed then it takes 3 - 4 days for the water and inflammation to leave which has set me back big time..

I dont care what people say with energy in energy out...

It's bullish*t because everything we put in our mouth causes a reaction..

eating 200 cals of chocolate is not the same as 200 cals of green veggies

You have to be super in tuned with your body and how it reacts to certain foods other wise you will just go around in circles..

If you want to have a cheat meal pick a day and a meal you want to have it Eg Sunday Dinner eat what you want and kick start your metabolism again but don't think you can eat junk food everyday and get away with it because you wont be able to out train inflammation and poor gut health

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

My Feature Story in the Mercury Newspaper :)

Milena taking weight off with lifestyle tips

There’s a dark story behind Milena Tramoshannon’s glowing exterior and bubbly smile.
The road to her success was a winding one one and she has climbed some massive hurdles.The self-confessed tom boy had her share of struggles growing up – her dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and a major car crash left her with a broke back and crushed hand.
‘’My life was turned upside down when I was 14,  my dad’s diagnosis crushed my spirit,’’ the 25-year-old told the Mercury.
‘’Having no support or outlet, I didn’t know where to turn. I was lucky I stumbled across the gym. I didn’t know how to lift weights or what I was doing, all I knew was training was an escape from what was happening at home.’’ 
Three years later, when she was a passenger in a flipped car, her ‘’body and my mind were broken this time’’.
‘’I had to start from scratch and rebuild my life. I’d hit rock bottom. ‘’
Ms Tramoshannon fought her way out of ‘’some dark places’’ and used her pain as her motivation.
‘’I became a fully qualified personal trainer and found my calling card. That’s helping people believe in themselves again and achieve their goals despite what cards they have been dealt just like I did.’’
Last year Ms Tramoshannon put herself through a 20-week contest prep to ‘’show herself she could do it and to also set an example to her clients’’. 

She landed her dream job working for ATP Science – where the head formulator is a naturopath and hormone specialist.She placed second in the IFBB bikini tall novice – in a line up of over 30 girls – and heads back to the stage this year.
Ms Tramoshannon will share her story, struggles, successes and everything in between at a free two-hour seminar at Woonona’s Fernwood gym on Friday from 5pm.
The seminar, hosted by Team Flex, focuses on holistic health and wellness as well as nutrition and training advice for women.
Team Flex Woonona store manager Chris Bunt and company owner Reece Kawalla are aiming to deliver two free seminars a month.
‘’We will wear all the costs involved in putting together these events and paying for athletes to come down to give something back to the Illawarra,’’ Mr Bunt said.
‘’We want to help everyone to achieve their goals in health and fitness, whatever they may be.’’
Sharing tips: Milena Tramoshannon will talk about wholistic health and give nutrition and training advice for women at a Team Flex seminar in Woonona on Friday.
Sharing tips: Milena Tramoshannon will talk about wholistic health and give nutrition and training advice for women at a Team Flex seminar in Woonona on Friday.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

As Raw as Raw can be..

This is a bit of a different post then my health and fitness tips..

I want to touch on the mind battles I face daily and I'm sure others face too in their own way..

At the age of 14 my dad got sick and my life got turned upside down, in the blink of an eye I had to grow up very fast and watch my role model and rock fall apart in front of my eyes..

When you feel so many years of pain you go numb.. I turned my numbness into my motivation and my drive..

Every since that day I feel like my life has been running at 100 miles and hour and I'm in fight or fly mode..

Its all or nothing with no in-between..

I smash out my training and eat clean then when I'm on track I find myself  purposely sabotage myself and my diet and have to start again..

Why? I'm not sure..  I guess a part of my heart still hurts and thats what I'm used to feeling for so long I forget what happiness feels like

I have achieved so much and I have huge goals and I'm pushing hard..

The biggest thing I want to say and what I want to share is every is fighting battles and it is ok to talk about it out loud..

You have to work hard for happiness its about working on yourself and letting go of the past...
You aren't alone we all go through it and I want to talk about it..
There is too much wishy washy fucking bullshit and fake blah blah on Facebook and insta

Lets be honest and lets be real with ourselves and talk about whats going on in our heads so we can grow and learn

Monday, 14 September 2015

My thoughts on high stim pre workout....

Don't take it...  

I honestly don't understand the big craze with high stim pre workout, it doesn't make sense to me.. 

The way I see it... 

High stim pre workout smashes your adrenals  
Your body is under stress and it raises your cortisol 
Your body wont burn fat when it's under stress... 

My Conclusion   

High stim Pre workout

= Useless,

Don't trust paid "models" on instagram for nutrition advise on what is good for you and what will get you in shape. Half the people I see pushing products wouldn't have a single clue about fitness

What I would suggest is

Non flavoured L carnitine in filtered water
Atp science Infrared

You wont be buzzing but you will be burning fat 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

How to stay on track while travelling..

How I stay on track while travelling..

My last prep I was on a plane every week flying across Australia..

The thing that will save your life is a 6pack bag and a set of digital scales..

( They aren't cheap but if you do travel a lot they are 100% with it )

What I do is I will cook everything in bulk and put it in containers, then what I will do is as I'm due for a meal I will just weigh it out.

Trying to pack each individual meal is next to impossible because I'm away for 3 days and thats 15+ containers

I hope this helps :)

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Perth Fitness expo!!

This weekend I will be representing Atp Science and Fat Burners at the Perth Health and fitness Expo..

I'm ready for a huge 3 days!!

Perth has the most incredible sunsets and really is one of my favourite places to visit..

If you do live in Perth come down and say hi :)

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

When your dreams become a reality

Word can't explain how excited I am right now... I'm absolutely blow away!!

The thing is I don't think I'm any different to most people i'm just a raw honest, genuine, passionate tomboy who loves helping people.

I live and breath health & fitness and I'm a huge believe in balance..

I came from nothing and I have had everything taken away from me when I was 14 when my dad became sick then I was in a serious car accident at 17 where the car had flipped twice and I broke my back which had me in and out of hospital for a year

I want to teach people every single thing I have learned over the years and to also tell people every single mistake I have made too..

Again I'm so excited, privileged and thankful : )

Monday, 7 September 2015

Guess how much I weigh on the scales??

Go to your bathroom...

Pick up your scales....

And throw them in the bin...


I'm going to keep this post short and sweet, who gives a shit about a number on a scale go by how you look and feel..

So many people chase numbers on scales... what for?

If you are happy, healthy and you feel good nothing else matters :)

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Day 1 shredding protocol... From the second I wake up the when I go to bed

Cutting weight the natural way is 50 times harder then if I was to smash illegal fat burners.. That sh*t doesnt interest me..

Also im not one of these doosh bags that do a comp then try and charge people of their awesome advice like they are some expert haha idiots lol

I have the flu and I have already had a full week off training so I can't afford to miss another week

I have given myself this protocol of the next 3 weeks then I will change it up...

This is every single thing I do from the second I wake up to when I go to bed

I hope it helps and I hope you can see how hard I work to get my ass comp ready haha

Wake up

Prototype 8 and Subcut mixed together and rubbed on my legs stomach and arms

45 minutes fasted cardio bush walk

Herbal tea


Rose hip tea

3 alpha venus

3 T423 Plus

Shower and brush my teeth with Coconut oil

Prototype 8 and Block E3 rubbed on my legs, stomach and arms

Blended long black

Meal 2

Meal 3

Herbal tea

Rose hip tea

Meal 4

HITT training

20mins steady cardio post HITT training

3 Alpha venus

3 T432 Plus

Meal 5

1.5L Water

Block E3 and Pro 8 before beddies



Thursday, 27 August 2015

Goal setting... 10 weeks left

I'm a huge fan of writing on my bedroom walls with chalk..

Each wall has a different set of goals..

I'm not going to lie the first 10 weeks of my prep has been the biggest roller coaster and mental battle because my head hasn't been in it at all my focus has been my career and working on my self not standing on a stage in a bikini..

I have 10 weeks left and I need to pull my head in and give it everything I have..

My goal is to take it day by day and only look at the week ahead of me

You need to keep track of every single thing you do other wise it is so easy to go off track and slip up and just forget about your end goal.. I have flu at the moment and I haven't trained all week but I'm going to let that stop me..

1. Get a goal
2. Plan each day
3. Keep track of everything you do within your day
4. Re asses at the end of the week what worked and what didn't
5. Make another plan for the following week
6. Keep moving forward

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A list of my favourite foods that help keep me lean

Throughout this prep I have been doing a huge trial and error with different foods and what works and what doesn't for me..

The thing you have to keep in mind is every single body if different and everyone will react to different things differently..

I get asked all the time what I personally eat so I thought id share it to give you an idea of what I have found works for me and what I actually eat..

The items below have actually been part of my prep at some stage and other foods I have improvised

- Im not going to lie berries are bloody expensive so I buy the mixed bag of frozen berries
- When i'm not prepping a dig drinking coconuts so badly and will have one a day

- Mustard
- Apple cider vinegar
- Lemon
- Nandos sauce if I'm super desperate and need some flavour
- Cinnamon

- Grass fed steak ( I refuse to eat anything else knowing what grain fed meat does to your body ) its $10 a steak which isn't bad at all
- Veal

- barramundi 

- Free ranged or organic when I can
- Free ranged eggs and the frozen egg whites

- Organic oats
- Quinola
- My body doesn't digest sweet potato but i love it so much
- Basmati rice

- Bock choy
- Asparagus
- Celery
- Spinach
- Kale
- Asian cabbage
- Mushrooms
- Tomatoas
- Zucchini

- Avocado
- Coconut oil

- Water 3L minimum a day
- Coffee ( Blended long back )

Water is so crazy important!! I can't stress enough how much your body needs filtered water.. Don't ever drink tap water that stuff is toxic

Monday, 17 August 2015

Pick yourself up and dusty yourself off.. Don't feel bad for set backs

This is something I wanted to touch on..

Im not going to give you some bullshit positive quote that people pretend they remember the next day but I will say this and I will use my prep as my example

Have I missed training sessions? YES

Have I picked at food that wasn't on my diet? YEP

Have I thought about quitting and giving up? YOU BET YA

Have I felt like shit and dragged my ass to the gym and put in a rubbish session? YEP

Am I going to give up and quit? NOPE

The thing is as long as you keep picking yourself up and getting yourself back on track you will never fail..

I go through the same struggles as everyone else, just because I live a healthy lifestyle it doesn't make it any easier really.. I'm still a girl with hectic hormones haha

If you have a goal and keep messing up get up and try again and again and don't stop trying..

Thursday, 13 August 2015

It is really worth it?

Mid way through prepping your mind starts to doubt your decision to compete and you will constantly ask yourself

Is this really worth it?

Do I really want to compete?

Does standing on stage for the 20 minutes really worth 20 weeks of this?

I'm not going to lie I'm so stubborn determined and once I commit to something it's go time.. But honestly I keep questioning this comp and if my heart is really into it..

7.00am - 8.00am I'm doing 1 hour fasted cardio
10am - 7.30pm Im working at my job
8.00pm - leave for the gym
10.30pm I'm getting home and eating dinner..

My passion isn't wanting to be a body build or compete overseas and I couldn't care less about the Facebook attention you will get a week or two after.. Blah Blah Big deal!!

I chose to compete because I wanted to set and example for my clients and to show people that I can change and transform my body and how I fixed my body from my 15kg bounce back to being back to normal...

Do I really need to stand on stage when I already feel like i have won??

For the first time ever I actually really don't know

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Im competing against my body and I'm winning...

I can honestly say I'm not your average Bikini competitor..

Im not doing this to win a plastic trophy or to pretend I'm such an expert because I have done 2 comp preps.. Win or lose in 13 weeks I don't give a shit.. I'm competing against my body and mind and I'm slowly winning..

What I am is real, honest and natural ( not this bullshit "I'm natural and these girls sit on clen and gear for 1/2 their prep then compete in a natural comp ) I'm 150% natural and I'm proud of it and will happily take a test any day of the year.. This is a lifestyle for me and it always has been and it always will be

I have had cellulite big time on my legs and booty, I have been 10 - 15kgs over weight, I have had hormone and metabolism problems, gut health problem, a broken back and crooked spine that still gives me trouble, eat disorder when I was 18, tonsillitis sold for 2 years,

You name it and I went through it..

I have had work long and hard to get through every one of those conditions and that is the biggest win of my life and it will be any trophy any day of the year

I genuinely want to help people and give them proper advise and I will only speak from experience..

The biggest tip and secret I will give every single person is to start working on your gut health and watch what you are putting in your body and take note of how you are feeling and ask yourself why?

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Are you a cheater??

This I honestly find so interesting and I have honestly really thought about this long and hard and I have come up with a couple of reasons some people cheat on their diet...

This is what I have come up with

1. Sugar cravings 

When you start to eat clean your body does crave sugar big time and the cravings are real lol You will look for anything to hit that spot

2. Self sabotage 

This one is a interesting one I have come up with.. Some times when you do we and you're on track you will eat things for the sake of eating things even though you don't crave it. i think your subconscious is scared of possible success so you sabotage yourself

3. Mental break 

I have neve met anyone that can diet for 20 weeks without a cheat meal.. Eating so clean is awesome and you look and feel good but honestly sometimes you just need that break and one meal off for something different instead of the same routine over and over again 6 times a day 7 days a week

4. Stress relief 

Some people turn to smokes and others turn to food. Your body and mind does interesting things when you pay attention to it and make it do the same thing over and over again

5. Curiosity 

Some days you will look around and you will be the only one eating out of a plastic container. Sometimes you will get curious and think I wonder what I'm missing out on while I eat out of my plastic container and everyone else is happy eating ice cream and popcorn

6. Laziness

Some people just can't be bothered putting in the hard work so they just get lazy and expect gear or something else to get rid of the extra weight

It's not about following a diet it's about beating your mind...

Sunday, 2 August 2015

What I do for HITT training... This sucks i'm not going to lie

HITT training..

I have been smashing the high intensity training and I have found that it has stripped a lot of excess weight off me and my cardio has gone through the roof..

I get people ask me what I do so here is some options you can try for yourself that I also personally do

( p.s if you are a fitness freak then wear a heart rate monitor if you just want to lose weight then just push yourself as hard as you can )

Station Treadmill Sprints
15 seconds sprint as hard and fast as you can on a treadmill that is station then rest for 45 seconds.. Do this 6 times to start with then try and get to 10

Bike Sprints
I do 30 seconds as crazy hard and fast as I can then 30 seconds at a slow place 4 times and I do 4 sets

Hill Sprints 
Find yourself the biggest baddest hill that's super steep and try and sprint to the top then walk back down and aim for 10  sprints

The Stepper 
This one is an awesome booty shaper ; ) I will put it on level 7 and sprint for 30 seconds then I will put it back to level 2 and I will do that for 15 - 20 minutes

Just think its short sharp and over and done with quicker then long distant training :)

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The comp prep test... This will be a funny test and reality check for anyone wanting to compete :)

Are you ready for comp prep?? Here is your trial run lol

I want you to try this for a full 7 days without straying off your diet and training plan not even in the slightest...

Get someone to write you a diet or make one up yourself from the internet that includes 5 - 6 proper meals consisting of Protein, Veggies and Carbs and make sure you have the weights written down
Meal 1
120g cooked chicken
200g of green veggies
1/2 and Avo

Sunday night
- Cook all your meals
- Weigh your meals exactly to the gram
- Put them into containers

Plan your training sessions
For 7 days make your include
- Every morning  6am - 7am cardio for 40minutes before you eat breakfast
- 4 - 5 weight sessions per week
- 3 high intensity sessions

Back and Bis

tris and sprints

- Make sure you take all your supplements and vitamins with your food as well

If you have a birthday, date night, movie night, catch up with a gf ect you have to make sure you only eat whats on your diet and you have to make sure you also have time to train after you have just worked all day and forget about eating birthday cake...

Then do all of that while physically and mentally stressed from work and family stress plus your body trying to recover from heavy weight sessions

Are you over readying everything you have to do yet?? That's not even slightly scratching the surface..

thats a tiny bit of week 1 not even... try doing it for 20 weeks which is nearly 5 months

For anyone that thinks its easy... It's really not and for anyone sticking at it a huge congratulations and you should be proud of yourself

Thursday, 23 July 2015

My 15kgs Fat photo and proof I wasn't born with a 6 Pack... Facing my fears on this one

I'm not going to lie it does get a little frustrating when people say yeah you were born with abs and my hard work gets discouraged because people thing I have it easy...

Im up at 5.30am doing a hour cardio then coming back and training at night plus having my diet and hormones as best I can..

Post comp I bounced back like a bitch and it wasn't from eating junk food my hormones and metabolism was shot and my body and going on a roller coaster which happens to nearly every bikini competitor..

This taken a week
before comp

This is a reality.. everyone wants to be a bikini competitor but no one realises the post comp mental and physical battles you face which is 50 times hard then prepping...

This is what happens to majority of competitors
Hormones - Shot
Metabolism - Shot
Weight - 10 - 15kg easy
Mental health -  Depressed
physical health - All over the place

This was taken 2 months post comp

Im lucky I had ATP science that fixed my hormones thats why I love them so much and moved to Sydney for them is because they fixed my body and I am forever grateful..

I have to work my ass off to work off the 15kgs my body did not want to let ago and the struggle was real...  

This was taken two weeks ago

Monday, 20 July 2015

Im in love with...... Carbs!!! :)

I never thought I would ever say this but


Honesty I have never known anything different but protein and high fats e.g. chicken and avo or steak and avo and i would feel good for 3 days then I would die in the ass and then I would get snappy, forgetful, tired and unhappy...

I trust my coach and i trust the process and my body honestly digs carbs and my mind feels sharp, my hormones are in check and my training sessions are sick!!

You look so much fuller, better and happier with them in your diet..

I used to think carbs would make me fat and hold water but they have honestly made me have more muscle and become leaner..

Another thing I have noticed was the scales stayed the same but my body has changed..

You need a balance and especially for girls..

If you don't believe me cut out all your carbs for a week and tell me how you feel on Sunday lol

Balance is key don't just cut carbs and eat fish avo and broccoli... There is such a better and easier way then feeling like a walking snappy zombi

Saturday, 18 July 2015

When did the fitness industry become a selfish 1 man show.. Not in my world it isnt

Last competition I did it completely by myself with no support, help or anyone to cook my meals or tell me everything will be ok...

Yeah I came second and i so proud of my hard work but does it really have to be like that??

I see people around me and they look like miserable zombies bitching and whinging about this and that blah blah

This year I have the coolest people around me and this has been so fun, motivating, still hard work and early morning but so much more enjoyable :)

- I have someone I do fasted cardio with who is also competing

- A hand full of different training partners / strength and conditioning coach and people with other skills

- Friends out of state who I check in with and we swap photos and push each other along who isn't prepping for a comp but for a different reason

Yeah body building can be a selfish sport but dont shut people around you because everyone I have around me all add there special touch and its making me push hard and reach my full potential

Thursday, 16 July 2015

I want you to meet the special coach that saved my prep and changed my life and mindset.. I will give you a hint, it's a girl!!

I was going to lay low and keep this special coach a secret because I felt like I had just stumbled on something to good to be true

I had to try it out first and Im honestly blown away!!

When prepping I thought id go with a guy because they are scary and I will get into shape because I'm scared to mess up but honestly it just wasn't working and I pretty much gave up and wasn't going to compete because I was just so sick of feeling like sh*t and tired all the time and alone..

The thing is us girls we have so much sh*t going on with hormones, stress, that time of the month plus all the rest.. We are interesting creatures lol

We aren't a straight up one size fits all like most of the guys and our bodies are constantly reacting and throwing us curve balls..

I needed help and I just wanted to feel good and healthy again I was so sick of being tired and snappy.
Ebanie came in and showed me a different way

This is why I'm so thankful to have Ebanie in my corner

1.  First the first time ever I have been given Carbs in my prep and my energy, mental focus and happiness is through the roof!!

2. She is there for me 24/7 which is so good to have someone properly have your back and will explain things so clearly so i understand

3. She genuinely gives a shit and you can tell she puts her heart into every one of her girls and will only take on a few at a time so she can give everyone her full attention

4. She has competed herself and every one of her girls looks incredible!!!!

5. She is about doing everything the NATURAL WAY!! Yes there are some people out there who do things properly without short cuts

6. Her posing pactise is awesome she honestly bring out the best in your body

I promise you guys and girls I 150% back Ebanie and her knowledge and skills if you do want to compete this is who has been looking after me while prepping and she will be by my side for the next 18 weeks :)

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

5 Helpful Training tips

1. Activate your muscles
If you're doing weights and you're trying to target a certain muscle but you can't feel that muscle engaging then stop that exercise and find an isolation exercise in order to activate that desired muscle. For example if I'm trying to work on my glutes aka "Booty" but can only feel the burn in my quads then there is no point continuing that exercise, I would stop that exercise and go and do a glute bridge to activate your booty then i'd go back to that exercise.

2. Fast verser slow reps When I do my reps I like to do them slow and really focus on the muscle i'm working and when I get to the top I will squeeze that muscle as hard as I can until I shake

3. Dont count - I'm so guilty of this I pick a number and like to stop when I reach that number. The best thing you can do if you are a counter like me is start counting when you feel that muscle burning

4. Correct Posture is so important!! If you had a look at my before photos you will see how bad my posture is which is due to me braking my back in a very bad car accident. Make sure you have a look in the mirror or get a professional to check your posture so you can see what areas may need extra attention other wise you may run the risk of injury.

5. Try out classes!! It's important to change up your training to shock your body and fire different messages to different muscles. I do everything from weights, cardio, Pilates, Yoga, Cx workout and kickboxing

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Are you really wanting to do this every day for 20 weeks which is 5 months

Are you really wanting to do this for 5 full months of your life which is 20 weeks??

For me personally I'm used to living a crazy around the clock life of working 3 jobs, training, family time plus working on my own projects ect but for a a lot of other people my life would be too busy for them and they wouldn't like it...

The same thing goes for comp prep.. Some people like and are used to the crazy structure and others get a false sense of what is involved and can't keep up and end up hating it..

I want to give people raw honest information instead of the bullshit..

This is just a typical normal day in the life of me prepping

Wake up 5.15am - 5.30am to get ready for fasted cardio
( It's dark, Freezing cold and a massive mental battle to get dressed because you're so cold and its warm in bed )

6am - 7am fast cardio 
20minutes tredmil
20 minutes bike
20 minutes step ups

( all on an empty stomach, you stare at that clock every second )

8.30 breakfast which needs to me weighed and cooked exactly how it says to on your plan

9.00am - 6.00pm working full time all across NSW

While working you need to be able to eat every 3 hours and you need to make sure you bring your food where ever you go. If you forget your food your stuffed and you frantically try and find a coles or woolies and it adds so much stress

Then you have to make sure you are taking all your vitamins and shakes as well correctly and on time

I bought a 6 pack bag to carry around my meals so they didn't go off or spill and that set me back $130 which is a joke if you ask me

Supps set me back about $150

Then you have to make sure all your meals are bought and cooked the night before so add in an extra hour or two there cooking and weighing it all up

6.30pm - 8.00pm Train 
( by this times its peak hour traffic driving to the gym and it is also freezing cold and dark
and you just working 9 - 6pm )

8.30 - Last meals / sups and then cooking again for the next day to start the process all over again

11pm Just before bed I need to get my gym gear ready, pack sups, and put on my sub cut and block3 then get into bed

That is just a regular day not including a million other things....

How badly do you want to compete? This isnt a easy fad it takes a lot of hard work and dedication and if you dont think you can do it then set yourself cool little weightloss goals you dont have to diet for 20 weeks